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3 Tips for Choosing a Trusted and OJK Registered Credit Application

Artikel diperbarui pada 19 March 2024.

Some tips for choosing a credit application must be considered, especially for those of you beginners who will just do these activities with the help of an application. In addition to avoiding irresponsible people, you are also required to maintain the security of your personal data.

As time progresses, online lending applications are widely available, of course with different features and advantages. The emergence of online credit and borrowing apk can be a solution for many people who need funds, this is because it is supervised by OJK.

One of the tips for choosing a credit application that must be considered is its security. However, you don’t need to worry, because nowadays most applications are official and directly supervised by the financial services authority. So, some applications can be trusted.

Tips for Choosing Credit Apps Well

It should be noted that the use of online credit or loan applications provides convenience for its users. You no longer need to come to the office in order to fill in the various personal data needed, so only through online.

The process is safe and fast. Online loans will be disbursed directly to your account, unlike credit that will be accredited when you want to buy a certain item at an electronics store. Some tips for choosing a credit application should be taken into consideration for beginners.

There are some tips that can be very useful for you beginners. It should be noted that mistakes in choosing a credit application can have a negative impact on data security and the money received. So, you must be aware of this.

1. Understand the Terms and Conditions

The first tip for choosing a credit application is to understand the terms and conditions. It should be noted that each application has different conditions. This is one of the differentiators and advantages of various apk. Therefore, before borrowing or credit understand the terms.

Details of the requirements that are usually required to be considered are KTP, NPWP, KK, passbook and salary slip. Avoid choosing a credit apk or online loan that asks for vehicle ownership documents, land or house certificates and other important documents.

2. Choose an Official Application

One of the characteristics of an official apk is that it is supervised and officially registered with the OJK. One way to find out, you can check first on the official OJK website. Usually also, before downloading an apk, there is a description of the apk.

Various reviews and descriptions of the apk can be taken into consideration, in order to become confident to use the apk or not. This is very important, so as not to fall for the false promises that are usually given by irresponsible people.

3. Understand the Interest Rate

It should be noted that a very important tip for choosing a credit application is to understand the interest rate. This is so that you don’t get stuck when you pay it. So, interest rates can be a very important consideration before making a transaction.

The interest rate that does not exceed the maximum limit given by the financial services authority is 0.4% per day. The information can be obtained from the official website or social media of the apk company. it should be noted, that each apk offers different interest rates.

Recommended Reliable Credit Apps

In addition to discussing some tips on choosing a credit application. We will also provide information on several recommendations for credit applications that can be used, of course, they can be trusted because they are supervised by the financial services authority.

1. Modalku

The first recommendation is modalku, this apk is perfect for those of you who have MSME businesses and are looking for funds for business development. There are various interesting features, especially lending funds and credit for umkm actors online and offline.

The main requirement is, the business that is being run for at least 6 months, monthly income starts from 6 also rupiah. Currently, Modalku is also available in various regions such as Batam, Java, Medan, Palembang, Bali and also Makassar. The availability of these locations can be taken into consideration.

2. RupiahCepat

Then there is rupiah fast, which is an online loan application that has been registered with the OJK, rupiahcepat itself was issued by PT Kredit utaman fintech Indonesia. By offering a limit of up to 10 million and a tenor period of 1 month to 3 months running can be a solution for you.

You can apply for a loan without any collateral. This is of course very practical for personal needs, no need to worry about the practice, because it is very easy and fast. It doesn’t take long to be disbursed, and the process is also not complicated, especially for beginners.

Understand all the terms, conditions and risks well, so that there are no mistakes, when you enter the world of credit that is offered with ease.

Some tips on choosing a credit application above and recommendations for trusted credit applications can be taken into consideration.