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1k Tiktok Followers Get How Much Money? Here’s The Explanation

Artikel diperbarui pada 19 March 2024.

Some are a little curious, when reaching 1k tiktok followers how much money or with some other number of followers. So for 1k followers themselves, is the part that is still a beginner. So the pay you get is relatively small.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t level up by getting lots of new followers. But for those who are curious about the income of a Tiktok, then this time we will discuss it. Therefore, TikTok’s own income has a minimum income.

Not only income for 1k followers, but it will also be described with a larger number. Below will also be discussed, about how to get paid on Tiktok. For that, see the full explanation:

1k Tiktok Followers Get How Much Money: How much does Tiktok pay?

So what will be discussed this time is about the salary or opinion that content creators will get on Tiktok. At a minimum, in order to get paid is to reach a thousand followers. In order not to be more curious, then see the following details:

1. 1K Followers Tiktok Salary

The lowest income is one follower who has just reached 1 k followers. For the salary that will be obtained when calculated from each post, it is around 2 USD or the equivalent of 29,000. The conversion can change depending on the time.

For each month, the pay that will be obtained is a minimum of 9 USD to reach 20 USD. If converted into rupiah currency, it is around 134,000 to 300 thousand. This depends on the number of posts revealed.

2. Tiktok salary with 10 K Followers

After knowing how much money 1k tiktok followers can earn, this time it will be discussed with a larger number. So when the followers you have reach 10 K, the salary you will get is also getting bigger. Even many times over.

For each post that will be obtained is around 16 USD to 24 USD. If calculated in rupiah, it is around 238,000 to 357,000, with a fairly high monthly income.

With the number of followers reaching 10 K, the monthly salary that will be obtained is also much greater. But with a minimum amount of around 20 USD to 35 USD. This can also be influenced by the number of posts.

3. 100K Followers Tiktok Salary

There is an even higher amount, namely with followers reaching 100K or one hundred thousand. The salary that will be earned every month, then reaches hundreds of dollars. Namely starting from 100 USD, up to 700 USD.

This amount when calculated in rupiah amounts to 1.4 million to 10,500,000. This is because, the pay for each post is also relatively high. Even reaching tens of dollars.

4. 1M Followers Tiktok Salary

Then the last salary discussion is with the number of followers reaching 1 M or one million. Then the income that will be obtained can also be even greater. It can even reach 1,600 USD to 2,400 USD.

This figure, if calculated in rupiah, reaches tens of millions of rupiah. But there is also income per month with this number of followers is around 1000 USD. But if you are lucky then you can get up to 10,000 USD.

This amount is certainly no joke, if the user can reach that point. Because, for 1000 USD alone it is almost 15 million. Especially if you are lucky to get up to 10,000 USD, then almost 150 million rupiah.

How to Earn Income on Tiktok

Of course, when you know how much money 1k TikTok followers can get and also some other follower numbers, users are curious about how. Because of course this income will not be obtained just by holding hands. Here is how:

1. Do Live Streaming

The first thing that can be done to get money from tiktok is to do live streaming. So when later doing live streaming, you will be able to get virtual prizes. Where later this virtual gift can be exchanged for money.

But of course don’t just make live streaming, because it might not attract other users. So make an interesting live stream and do it at certain hours. Like during office breaks and others.

2. Through Sponsored Content Post

Then the second way that can be done to get money from TikTok is through Sponsored Content Post. This is done by working with brands, so that later you can get Tiktok sponsored content.

So the purpose of this activity is to promote goods or products from the brand that is collaborating with. Sometimes it is also called an endorse, so that later you will get paid from the brand.

3. Join the Tiktok Creator Fund

Then the third way that can be done to get income on TikTok is to join the Tiktok Creator Fund. So the Tiktok Creator Fund will give awards to its creators. Of course, with the applicable requirements, including:

  • The requirements needed to be part of the Tiktok Creator Fund are that users must be at least 18 years old.
  • Then the second requirement is that users must already have 10 K followers.
  • Then for video viewers, it has reached up to 100,000 views with a duration of about 1 month or the last 30 days.
  • The uploaded video is a video that was made personally and in accordance with the guidelines provided by Tiktok communication.

4. Use Affiliate Link

Then in the fourth order to get payment from TikTok is to include an affiliate link. This affiliate link is currently widely used by e-commerce companies. Which aims to increase sales.

Later users will get paid from every person who opens the link. But not just clicking, but also having to buy goods from the link, then later users will get paid.

To get income from this method, users must register with the TikTok affiliate program. In this submission, there are several requirements needed. Such as KTP, passbook and several other types of requirements that are determined.

How to Withdraw Money from Tiktok

After knowing about 1k tiktok followers how much money and also how to get it, then you have to know how to withdraw the money. This method can be practiced when there are already many funds in it. Here are the steps:

The first is to enter the profile menu, then select the option with the writing Rp, if you have just seen the balance you have.
If so, then you can click withdraw and just determine the amount of withdrawal to be made.
After that, click withdraw balance and determine the payment method, just click withdraw money now and verify.

That was an explanation of how much money 1k tiktok followers get and also some other follower numbers. But keep in mind too, that not all can get that much income. This depends on the posts that are made.

It has also been explained how to get money on Tiktok that users can do. If you have enough funds, you can make a withdrawal. For the method, the steps have also been described.